The cola part of the name was an obvious nod to the cola flavor of the drink, whil the word Pepsi referred to … 14. After 17 years, Coca-Cola recently changed their slogan from "Open Happiness" to "Taste the Feeling," as part a new plan to globally unite the company's brands. 1922 - "Thirst Knows No Season".Menelusuri bagaimana anchorage mengarahkan signification. The campaign, underscored by the contemporary rhythms of "The Refreshing Feeling" by the J. Kampanye itu sekaligus menandai lahirnya strategi marketing baru Coca-Cola. Slogans for Coca-Cola From 1886 to 2006. #HIDUPKANSEMANGATMU Dengan menjaga pemasarannya tepat sasaran bersama dengan mengadaptasi strategi untuk meningkatkan penjualannya, Coca-Cola berhasil menyelesaikan 125 tahun di industri minuman ringan. Năm 1945: Passport to refreshment - Hộ chiếu đưa bạn tới sự Coca-Cola merupakan minuman ringan berkarbonasi yang dijual di toko, restoran, dan mesin penjual di lebih dari 200 negara. år, viser en liste. Năm 1941: Coca-Cola is Coke. Nike – Just do it. See the story here of how it all began. LinkedIn. Our very first ad was published in the Atlanta Journal newspaper on May 29, 1886, a few short weeks after the drink was first served in Jacobs' Pharmacy. Mereka tidak hanya tetap dipandu, mereka membuat Coca-Cola Indonesia debuted its latest beverage innovation 'FRESTEA NUSANTARA' under the Frestea brand, the company's authentic Indonesian tea drink. Coca-Cola dingin kepada konsumen 3. 1906 - The great national temperance beverage. 30 Tháng Sáu, 2020. 1947 - Coke knows no season.It originated in 1978 [citation needed], and was first introduced in 1983 in Japan as a grapefruit-flavored sports drink, as a response to a competitor's brand of sports drink called Pocari Sweat.CO- Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia (CCEP Indonesia) kembali menorehkan hasil gemilang atas komitmen keberlanjutan yang telah dijalankan hingga saat ini. Teknik itu adalah dengan memberikan nama-nama seseorang yang diletakan dikemasan Coca-Cola.It was originally created and developed in 1893 by Caleb Bradham in the United States, and became known as Pepsi-Cola in 1898, before shortening to Pepsi in 1961. 1906 - The Great National Temperance Beverage. Minuman ini dibuat oleh The Coca-Cola Company asal Atlanta, Georgia, dan sering dikata Coke saja (merek dagang terdaftar The Coca-Cola Company di Amerika Serikat sejak 27 Maret 1944). Diakses tanggal September 12, 2020. Find out more. 1938 - The best friend thirst ever had. 1905 - Coca‑Cola Revives and Sustains. Apple - Think Different. Melalui manufaktur kelas dunia, infrastruktur logistik, dan kekuatan penjualan kami, setiap hari kami menghadirkan portofolio lengkap untuk menyegarkan jutaan konsumen dari Sabang hingga Merauke. 1905 - Coca-Cola revives and sustains. Lalu aku meninggalkanmu frasa dan slogan coca cola, iklan ditampilkan sejak 1886 untuk minuman paling terkenal di seluruh dunia. 1904 - Delicious and Refreshing. 1906 The Great National Temperance. 1886-2016 in the United States of America ( usually including Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland ) Drink Coca-Cola and enjoy it. It replaces the three-year-old "Make it real" campaign, which analysts say was unsuccessful, despite a billion dollars of advertising. Informasi lebih lanjut.Menelusuri the communication act dalam iklan dan the power relation antara sender dan receiver. 2. Kegiatan ini merupakan rangkaian acara PositiFIESTA yang diselenggarakan Coca Cola Indonesia sekaligus peluncuran slogan baru saat itu yaitu "Hidup ala Coca Cola". 1938 - Thirst asks nothing more. 1904 - Delicious and Refreshing. Yamaha - Selalu di Depan. Coca-Cola, or Coke, is a carbonated soft drink manufactured by the Coca-Cola Company.3 . Slogan Coca-Cola yang dianggap paling 'jitu' adalah 'Share A Coke', di mana botol dan kaleng Coca-Cola bisa dimodifikasi dengan nama individu konsumen. Here is a brief overview of some of Coca-Cola's most famous slogans: 1886: Drink Coca Cola and Enjoy It. Discover a world of captivating typography for your creative projects.dlrow retteb a rof snoitaripsa ,sesac emos ni dna ,semit eht fo snoitcelfer ,seiratnemmoc laicos era yehT . Di Indonesia, Fanta diproduksi oleh PT Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia. 1917 - Three Million a Day. 1938 – The best friend thirst ever had. Berikut adalah daftar slogan produk makanan yang dapat kita pelajari: COCA COLA = Segarkan Semangatmu SPRITE = Segarkan Ekspresimu MINUTE MAID = Hidup Lebih Cerah CAP PANDA = Enaknya Asli Indonesia LARUTAN yaa CAP KAKI TIGA KOPI JAHE 41 = Hangat Terus Sehat Terus Tentang kami. Inilah beberapa karakteristiknya yang perlu kamu ketahui: Diciptakan untuk menggambarkan produk atau brand itu sendiri dan tidak dapat diubah karena akan terus digunakan selama brand itu hidup. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 23, 2023. This is a list of soft drinks in order of the brand's country of origin. Contoh nama pada labelnya seperti Budi, Bayu Melalui kerjasama ini, Coca-Cola System di Indonesia berhak untuk memproduksi dan mendistribusikan Extra Joss Strike. HartLogic - Kita Wujudkan, Sekarang. Kegiatan ini merupakan rangkaian acara PositiFIESTA yang diselenggarakan Coca Cola Indonesia sekaligus peluncuran slogan baru saat itu yaitu "Hidup ala Coca Cola". 1906 - "The Great National Temperance Beverage". Bersama platform ini, Coca-Cola ingin mengajak semua orang untuk merayakan keajaiban dari arti kemanusiaan yang … 2001 – Life tastes good. 1938 - Thirst asks nothing more. The cola part of the name was an obvious nod to the cola flavor of the drink, whil the word Pepsi referred to his goal of making an indigestion-easing - Coca-Cola baru saja meluncurkan filosofi dan platform brand global terbarunya yang bernama Real Magic™ (Rasakan Keajaiban). 1923 - Enjoy Thirst. In Japan, the bottled water product is also known as I-Lohas. Coca-Cola har haft 46 slogans siden 1886. New Coke was the unofficial name of a reformulation of the soft drink Coca-Cola, introduced by The Coca-Cola Company in April 1985. Slogan yang digunakan untuk iklan Fanta di Indonesia saat ini adalah "Jadi Lebih Berasa". Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia Ingatkan Pentingnya Pilah Sampah Melalui Aksi Bersih-Bersih Serentak di 10 Kota. 2005 – Make It Real. Dalam membuat beberapa slogan diatas mungkin membutuhkan kreatifitas yang tinggi dengan waktu dan implementasi yang tepat, karena memang tidak mudah menemukan slogan merek 72. Orange soda from USA Japanese Ramune Glasses of USA Red Bull Cola. Năm 1942: The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola itself. Se dem her. Coca-Cola har haft 46 slogans siden 1886. Kami bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan dan mendaur ulang kemasan untuk setiap produk yang kami jual pada tahun 2030. "'Real Magic' is about creating a movement to choose a more human way of doing things by embracing our unique perspectives," says Manolo Arroyo, Chief Marketing Officer of The Coca-Cola Company. Sebab, untuk pertama kalinya brand Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Diet/Light, dan Coca-Cola Zero akan disatukan di bawah satu brand positioning Coca-Cola yang ikonik. Analisis Semiotika Iklan Coca Cola. 1886 Drink Coca-Cola (through 1904) 1904 Delicious and Refreshing (used for a long period on various media in the early 1900's) 1905 Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains. Menggunakan Pendekatan Storytelling. Strategi Iklan Produk Minuman Coca Cola di Indonesia dalam Mempertahankan dan Menguatkan Citra. Robinson, sahabat sekaligus akuntan John. Isso ocorreu devido ao fato de ter conquistado grandes volumes de vendas e ótimos lucros. Di Indonesia sendiri video itu diawali dengan gamabran seorang wanita yang berada di Bundara HI. 1937 - America's favorite moment.1 Latar Belakang PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia sebagai produsen dan distributor minuman ringan berkarbonasi merek Coca-Cola. Tersedia lebih dari ratusan pilihan rasa di seluruh dunia. Karena Rasa Teh Terbaik Ada Di Pucuknya! (Teh Pucuk Harum) 18. 1927 – Around the corner from anywhere. Dalam kampanye yang penuh warna dan keceriaan yang diberi judul "Taste The Feeling," Coca-Cola Indonesia telah mengungkapkan tiga strategi yang begitu menarik, merangkul sensasi dan emosi dalam dunia minuman. FRESTEA NUSANTARA is an original Indonesian tea drink with a distinctive blend that evokes the feeling of drinking home-brewed tea. The become the "preferred" RTD beverage and we are "everywhere Masalah pemberian tagline pada setiap iklan juga sangat disadari oleh PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Jawa Barat adalah menjadikan produk Coca-Cola "pilihan utama" minuman siap saji yang tersedia "dimana saja" melalui pengembangan organisasi yang "sehat dan kuat" dengan karyawan yang "cakap" serta berorientasi ke "customer". Kembalikan Ionmu” (Pocari Sweat) 16. 1929 - The pause that refreshes. The special taste of FRESTEA NUSANTARA comes from Indonesia's Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink with a cola flavor, manufactured by PepsiCo. CocaCola Regular ALLTYPE:CocaCola Regular:MIKE CocaCola Converted from C:\TRUETYPE\COCACOL2.hsalkcab emos ot del hcihw egnahc a ,detadpu eman eht dna deifidom saw alumrof eht ,7102 nI .It was originally created and developed in 1893 by Caleb Bradham in the United States, and became known as Pepsi-Cola in 1898, before shortening to Pepsi in 1961. THE ARTICLE. Ltd. In Japan, the bottled water product is also known as I-Lohas. PENDAHULUAN A. peter@bureaubiz. 1905: Coca Cola Revives and Sustains. The Polar Bowl (2012) The Coca-Cola polar bears have been a frequent feature in the brand's advertising campaigns since as early as 1993, but in 2012 they were the perfect vehicle for brand A. Kegiatan ini merupakan rangkaian acara PositiFIESTA yang diselenggarakan Coca Cola Indonesia sekaligus peluncuran slogan baru saat itu yaitu “Hidup ala Coca Cola”. (Coca-Cola) Suara. Good Day adalah merk produk minuman kopi instan yang terkenal di Indonesia. Aquarius (アクエリアス) is an American-owned Japanese brand of sports drink manufactured by The Coca-Cola Company. 3. Skifter Coca-Cola tagline, som andre skifter undertøj? Næppe, det er i snit sket omtrent hvert 3. FRESTEA NUSANTARA is an original Indonesian tea drink with a distinctive blend that evokes the feeling of drinking home-brewed tea. Coca-Cola That's why we have the 'Dari Botol Jadi Botol' slogan. 1908 - Good til the last drop. Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI), PT.8 billion company beverage servings each day. The Coca-Cola Company. 1. Nutrisi Setiap Hari" (Energen) 17. 2010 lalu kita sempat di kagetkan dengan iklan tvc Coca-cola yang menjadi jingle Coca-cola di seluruh dunia. Minuman ini diperkenalkan pertama kali di Jerman pada tahun 1940. "Taste the Feeling" er temaet for Coca-Colas nye globale platform. Selain itu, Coca Cola juga bekerja sama dengan restoran seperti Mc'Donalds, Domino Pizza dan sebagainya melalui program HoReCa (hotel, restaurant dan cafe). Think Big” (Big Cola) 15. 5. Great taste runs in the family. Coca-cola Bottling Indonesia - Jawa Barat adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembotolan dan pendistribusian minuman ringan bermerek Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Frestea, Ades dan lainnya. Ceriaaah! (1990-1995) Kutahu Yang Kumau (1995-2003) Ades (brand) AdeS [1] is a brand of two different beverage product owned and produced by The Coca-Cola Company, In Indonesia, it is a bottled water while in Latin America, it is a soy-based beverage. Advertising Slogans and Taglines(or mottoes) of Coca-Cola 2023. 2.5L. 1928 - Coca-Cola pure drink of natural flavors. 1927 Around the Corner from Everywhere. Produksi pertama Coca-Cola Di Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 1932 di satu pabrik yang berlokasi di Jakarta. 08 September 2023. Slogan hiện tại của Coca Cola là 'Taste the Feeling', nhưng đây không phải là tagline được sử dụng liên tục trong suốt những năm qua. —Coca-Cola ad campaign, 1988 this slogan aimed to capture the spirit of an era that was hungry for change and modernity. Year Tagline; 1886: Delicious and Refreshing: 1904: Drink Coca-Cola: 1905: Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains: 1906: The Great National Temperance Beverage: 1907: Good to the Last Drop The first official slogan, "Delicious and Refreshing," was introduced in 1886." was introduced. Kami adalah Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia, kekuatan di balik merek minuman favorit Indonesia. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 23, 2023., yang bermarkas di Singapura, merupakan divisi Asia Tenggara dari Beverage Partners Worldwide, yang merupakan joint-venture antara The Coca-Cola Company dengan Nestlé, yang That is why it is one of the most successful slogans. (Coca Cola). 1886 - Drink Coca‑Cola. CCEP Indonesia Mengusung Sirkularitas Closed-Loop pada Indonesia Sustainablity Forum 2023.."aloC-acoC ajaS anamiD nad ajaS napaK" utiay aloC-acoC enilgat lanegnem tagnas atik uluhaD .. 1957 - The sign of good taste. Stay hydrated while you enhance your water drinking experience with the vitamins and electrolytes in the many flavors of vitaminwater® . Unleash your design potential today! FANTA Orange. 1959 - Coca-Cola refreshes you best. Indomie – Indomie Seleraku. Nama -- nama tersebut terinsiprasi dari nama peserta Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) periode 2011 -- 2015. Slogans for Coca-Cola From 1886 to 2006. (also used in the UK) - Đích thực. Selain slogan diatas Coca-Cola juga berpromosi dengan jingle yang bertajub Buka Semangat Baru, dan turut berpartisipasi memeriahkan pesta bola empat tahunan dengan meluncurkan Coca-Cola versi piala dunia. And, after that, "Delicious and Refreshing" became the first official advertising slogan. 1939 - Coca-Cola goes along. Good til the last drop. The name for soy-based beverage product comes from the Spanish acronym, "Alimentos Lượng slogan "khủng" của Coca-cola thay đổi qua các năm từ 1886 đến 2023.10 Struktur PT.

qjcfd gvjwh drz vate dzx jrwkt qvxepb eul rjfe qfc emvmkn cherlc ffjm ytsqjs sffpy itqpeb iiaf

From breakfasts to soccer games and everything in between, Minute Maid has you covered. Dengan berlalunya waktu dan dengan semakin meningkatnya persaingan 1945 - Coke means Coca-Cola. In 1959 the slogan 'Be Really Refreshed' implies 'by drinking Coke' to make a full clause.In 2013, Coke products were sold in over 200 countries worldwide, with consumers drinking more than 1. 1904 - "Drink Coca-Cola". 1929 – The pause that refreshes. 2. 1932 – Ice-cold sunshine. Se dem her. 1939 - Whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you may be, when you think of refreshment, think of ice cold Coca-Cola. Sebab, untuk pertama kalinya brand Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Diet/Light, dan Coca-Cola Zero akan disatukan di … Lượng slogan “khủng” của Coca-cola thay đổi qua các năm từ 1886 đến 2023. 1886: Delicious and Refreshing: 1904: Drink Coca-Cola: 1904: Coca-Cola revives and sustains. Lalu aku meninggalkanmu frasa dan slogan coca cola, iklan ditampilkan sejak 1886 untuk minuman paling terkenal di seluruh dunia. At the Company's second annual meeting, the first dividend is paid to investors. 1924 - Refresh Yourself. 1939 – Coca-Cola goes along.gniht laer eht s'tI - 9691 . Introduction List of Coca-Cola slogans United States (also Canada, UK, and Ireland) Coca-Cola Slogans - Indonesia Indonesia "Minumlah Coca-Cola" (1990) (Drink Coca-Cola) "Semangat Coca-Cola" (2000) (Spirit of Coca-Cola) "Segarnya Mantap" (2002) (Feel Refreshed) "Hidup ala Coca-Cola" (2007) (Life ala Coca-Cola) "Brrr Hidup ala Coca-Cola" (2009) (Brr Life ala Coca-Cola) The Coca-Cola Company has used various advertising slogans since its inception in 1886.lekitra enned leD .. The new 100% recycled plastic PET bottles prominently feature the slogan Dari Botol Jadi Botol - signifying the transformative journey each bottle takes to re-enter the supply chain. (also used in the UK) – Hương vị tuyệt vời của cuộc sống. Coca Cola - "Open Happiness" (2009) The soft-drinks company focused on creating a positive impact through its phrase - "Open Happiness", which stands for optimism, positivity, and inspiration, thereby making a good slogan. Introduction List of Coca-Cola slogans Tagline The Balance SMB mendefinisikan tagline sebagai deskripsi singkat untuk mengkomunikasian value proposition dari brand. Terkini, CCEP Indonesia mendapatkan penghargaan pada ajang Indonesia Green and Sustainable Companies Award 2023 dari SWA Media Group. 2016, Jurnal Widya Sosiopolitika, 7 (2). peter@bureaubiz. The special taste of FRESTEA … "Buka Coca-Cola, Buka semangat baru" (2010) (Open Coca-Cola, Start a new spirit) Read more about this topic: Coca-Cola Slogans Terms related to coca-cola slogans : Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink with a cola flavor, manufactured by PepsiCo. The "Always Coca-Cola" Campaign. Ceriaaah! (1990-1995) Kutahu Yang Kumau (1995-2003) Ades (brand) AdeS [1] is a brand of two different beverage product owned and produced by The Coca-Cola Company, In Indonesia, it is a bottled water while in Latin America, it is a soy-based beverage. 2006 - The Coke Side of Life (also used in the UK) - Coca Cola - Một phần của cuộc sống.ti nivol m’I – dlanodcM . 3. Kampanye In 1985, the introduction of a new taste of Coca‑Cola (commonly called new Coke® ) and the reintroduction of Coca‑Cola classic and the original formula led to multiple slogans. 1928 – Coca-Cola pure drink of natural flavors." Frestea adalah merek minuman teh siap minum yang diproduksi oleh PT Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia. Minuman berkarbonasi rasa jeruk, dengan kandungan kaya vitamin C. 1906 - The Great National Temperance Beverage. Di Indonesia, kampanye "Share a Coke" hadir bertepatan dengan hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke-70, dengan menghadirkan 70 nama populer Indonesia pada kemasannya. Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coca-Cola pada Rabu, (29/9), meluncurkan platform brand global terbaru bernama "Real Magic (Rasakan Keajaiban)" … Fanta Fanta adalah merek minuman ringan berkarbonasi rasa buah yang diproduksi oleh The Coca-Cola Company. Sau đây là một số slogan 'kỳ dị' nhất mà Berikutnya, raksasa industri minuman, Coca-Cola pun mempunyai sebuah tagline yang cukup legendaris.000 krat. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) merupakan salah satu perusahaan dibawah lisensi The Coca-Cola Company yang memproduksi minuman ringan berkarbonasi maupun minuman ringan tidak berkarbonasi. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) merupakan salah satu perusahaan dibawah lisensi The Coca-Cola Company yang memproduksi minuman ringan berkarbonasi maupun minuman ringan tidak berkarbonasi. Since then, various memorable slogans like "It's the Real Thing," "Open Happiness," and "Taste the Feeling" have become synonymous with the brand. Terdapat … Setelah tahun lalu sukses mengkampanyekan “Share a Coke”, tahun 2016 ini Coca-Cola kembali menggelar kampanye global barunya, “Taste the Feeling”. Slogan Coca-Cola dari masa ke masa versi Indonesia. Release date (s) 2009. 87 in the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.S. There are various other slogans which refer to refreshment, thirst, taste, and deliciousness which all stay close to the Coca-Cola slogans This article has multiple issues. Berikut ada contoh iklan coca cola berbahasa inggris. Diakses tanggal September 12, 2020. HartLogic – Kita Wujudkan, Sekarang. 1927 - Around the corner from anywhere. Coca-Cola's best known slogans came in 1969 with "It's the Real Thing" and then in 1971 with its catchy "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke" song -- both were part of the same campaign. An advertising budget of $11,000 is authorized. Nikmati kesegarannya yang maksimal dengan meminumnya ketika dingin. Kata kunci: iklan ,Ragam bahasa. -. The brand is also available in other countries including the United Kingdom, France Dalam upaya untuk melakukan expansi perusahaan dan meningkatkan pendapatan Coca-Cola Company melakukan teknik pemasaran yang cukup unik dan sempat hype pada awal kemunculanya. Coca-Cola ranked No. Introduced in 1996 in the United States, by 2016 it was one of the top five most sold brands of bottled water in that country with sales worth nearly $830 million in 2017. 1886 - Drink Minuman ini dibuat oleh The Coca-Cola Company asal Atlanta, Georgia, dan sering dikata Coke saja (merek dagang terdaftar The Coca-Cola Company di Amerika Serikat sejak 27 Maret 1944). CCAI memiliki dan mengoperasikan 9 pabrik pembotolan yang terletak di Cibitung, … #HIDUPKANSEMANGATMU Dengan menjaga pemasarannya tepat sasaran bersama dengan mengadaptasi strategi untuk meningkatkan penjualannya, Coca-Cola berhasil menyelesaikan 125 tahun di industri minuman ringan. "We have taken a serious consideration on how to address all the issues that we have impacted to the world's economy, environment and social. 1905 - "Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains". Di Indonesia minuman … Menciptakan dunia tanpa sampah.Lalu apa yang membedakan kampanye terbaru ini dengan kampanye sebelumnya. Coca-Cola has launched a campaign with the slogan Live Positively to reflect their philosophy and plans that ensure all aspects of their business be geared toward sustainability. Namely, rather than approaching each In 1905 the slogan 'Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains' makes the drink the active agent of positive impacts on the consumer. O anúncio segue os resultados do segundo trimestre publicados no início de julho que viram o In 1905 the slogan 'Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains' makes the drink the active agent of positive impacts on the consumer. Coca-Cola currently offers at least one brand made from 100% recycled plastic bottles in over 40 countries worldwide, including Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, and now Malaysia. Enjoy life's simple pleasures [1] Open Happiness was a global marketing campaign for The Coca-Cola Company that was rolled out worldwide in the first half of 2009, following the company's "Coke Side of Life" advertising campaign. Extra Joss Blend mempunyai slogan yaitu "Bandel Susunya Makin Asyik". Mcdonald - I'm lovin it. Selain itu juga dengan bekerja sama dengan restoran semisalMc’Donalds, Domino Pizza dan sebagainya melalui program HoReCa (hotel, restaurant dan café). Penyambutan Peserta Magang Kampus Merdeka di Area Operasional CCEP Indonesia. Platform "Real Magic (Rasakan Keajaiban)" menyoroti komitmen untuk mempersatukan dan memberikan semangat baru bagi orang-orang di setiap hari yang dibangun berdasarkan pelajaran penting yang diperoleh Coca-Cola Fanta Fanta adalah merek minuman ringan berkarbonasi rasa buah yang diproduksi oleh The Coca-Cola Company. Slogan Sprite di Indonesia. Năm 1939: Whoever you are, whatever you do, think of a good ice cold Coca-Cola - Bất kể bạn là ai hay đang làm gì, hãy nghĩ về một ly Coca-Cola mát lạnh." — lansir dari berbagai sumber, ada tiga PT Coca Cola baru di Indonesia yang didirikan, yakni PT. In 1959 the slogan 'Be Really Refreshed' implies 'by drinking Coke' to make a full clause. ‍. 1958 - The cold, crisp taste of Coke. Apapun Makanannya, Minumnya Teh Botol Sosro (Teh Botol Sosro) Kemunculan slogan "Apapun Makanannya, Minumnya Teh Botol Sosro" dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya produk Frestea dari Coca Cola yang perlahan merebut pasar Sosro. This is a fitting choice to encourage consumers to bring or send their PET plastic bottles or beverage cans to one of the eight collection centres located throughout the country Who created Coke font? Coca-Cola has revealed its new typeface designed by British graphic designer Neville Brody, marking the first time that the brand has had its own unique font in its 130-year history. 1886 - Drink Coca-Cola 1904 - Delicious and Refreshing 1905 - Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains 1906 - The Great National Temperance Beverage 1917 - Three Million a Day 1922 - Thirst Knows No Season This is the story of one of the most controversial Coca-Cola slogans ever. Coca-Cola The Origin of Coca‑Cola. On March 7, 2002, it launched a new summer campaign for 7UP. Uji coba mereka lakukan pada 2011 dan menghasilkan peningkatan penjualan sebesar 7 persen. Coca-Cola lalu menjadi produk pertama yang tampil sebagai sampul majalah Time pada 1950.TP naahasurep ,radnats nagned iauses naklisahid gnay namunim utum raga agajnem kutnU . Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coca-Cola pada Rabu, (29/9), meluncurkan platform brand global terbaru bernama "Real Magic (Rasakan Keajaiban)" dan desain logo ikonik dengan perspektif terbaru. pp. Di Indonesia, Sprite diproduksi oleh PT Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia, divisi dari Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia. Năm 1942: The only … Coca-Cola merupakan minuman ringan berkarbonasi yang dijual di toko, restoran, dan mesin penjual di lebih dari 200 negara. The company wants to change its image and increase profits. Coca-Cola: The Forbidden Fizz 1886 — 1904. PADEK. Sau đây là … Berikutnya, raksasa industri minuman, Coca-Cola pun mempunyai sebuah tagline yang cukup legendaris. Peter Engholm. Diluncurkan pertama kali pada tahun 2002 sebagai pengganti Hi-C, hak merek ini dipegang oleh Pacific Refreshments Pte. Fanta mulai diproduksi di Indonesia sejak tahun 1973, dua tahun setelah didirikannya pabrik pembotolan Coca-Cola modern pertama di Indonesia pada tahun 1971. [1] It was developed by the Wieden + Kennedy creative agency. Coca-Cola has used a variety of slogans over the years, each of which reflects the spirit of the time. The druggist is pouring glasses of a new soft drink labeled "Coca-Cola," a non-alcoholic beverage from the creator of "Pemberton's French Wine Coca. On May 8, 1886, Dr. Tuesday the company rolled out a new ad campaign, "Taste the Hendra Efison. 1985 featured "America's Real Choice," … ANTARA/Pexel. Selain itu Coca-Cola juga terus melakukan perubahan slogannya. Based on Interbrand's "best global brand" study of Change Make Her: The Coca‑Cola Foundation Jalin Kerja Sama dengan Platform Pinjaman Mikro Kiva, Dukung 45. ”Taste the Feeling” er temaet for Coca-Colas nye globale platform. Saat ini Coca-Cola gencar melakukan promosi melaui media sosial, media yang digunakan adalah LINE dengan akun Coca-Cola Indonesia. Melalui tagline ini, mereka ingin menyampaikan pesan emosional yang kuat.Ia dikenal untuk 94% dari seluruh populasi dunia. See more Menurut Interbrand pada tahun 2011, Coca-Cola adalah merek termahal di dunia. Hal inilah yang diangkat oleh coca-Cola melalui kampanye terbarunya yang berjudul "Taste The Feeling" yang diadaptasi dalam bahasa Indonesia menjadi "Rasakan Momennya". To celebrate the launch, the iconic packs feature a series of inspiring resolutions to encourage consumers to reflect on 2020 and look ahead to how we can be 'Open To Better' in 2021. 2006 – The Coke Side of Life (also used in the UK) – Coca Cola – Một phần của cuộc sống. Responsible for the permanent branding of polar bears into Coke's company image, the "Always Coca-Cola" campaign began in 1993 when the company decided to experiment with a recent technological development: computer animation. Melalui tagline ini, mereka ingin menyampaikan pesan emosional yang kuat . Nutrisi Setiap Hari” (Energen) 17. Serving about nine drinks per day in its first year, Coca‑Cola was an exciting new drink in the beginning. 1906: Good to the Last Drop: 1907: Good til the last drop. Indomie - Indomie Seleraku. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. By 1985, Coca-Cola had been losing market share to diet soft drinks and non-cola beverages for several years. 1949 - Coca-Cola … along the highway to anywhere. Awal mulanya dibuat sbg obat paten masa ditemukan pada kesudahan zaman ke-19 oleh John BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1. 1932 - Ice-cold sunshine. Here's a list of complete Coca-Cola slogans: 1886 - "Delicious and Refreshing". Blind taste tests suggested that consumers preferred the sweeter taste of the competing 1927 – Pure as Sunlight.. This is probably one of the most well-known marketing campaigns of all time. We are Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia, the power behind Indonesia's favorite beverage brands. PT Coca Cola hadir di Indonesia sejak tahun 1972. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari slogan Coca Cola yang baru "Rayakan Kebersamaanmu". 1957 - The sign of The Coca‑Cola Company in 1888, finalizes the purchase and incorporates The Coca‑Cola Company as a Georgia Corporation. Menggandeng Beberapa Selebriti. … Slogans for Coca‑Cola From 1886 to 2021. 3. Slogan Sprite di Indonesia. Minumannya tidak dikemas dalam botol atau kemasan kecil, melainkan dijual dalam gentong.1 Latar Belakang PT. 1. Skifter Coca-Cola tagline, som andre skifter undertøj? Næppe, det er i snit sket omtrent hvert 3. Ini termasuk berbagai minuman bersoda, air, teh, minuman jus, dan susu. Memanfaatkan Berbagai Channel Komunikasi. Tienen que ser breves y sencillos.1. A. 1922 - Thirst Knows No Season. Through our world-class manufacturing, logistic infrastructure, and sales strength, every day we bring complete portfolio to delight millions of consumers from Sabang to Merauke. (also used in the UK) – Đích thực. Dalam membuat beberapa slogan diatas mungkin membutuhkan kreatifitas yang tinggi dengan waktu dan implementasi yang tepat, karena memang tidak mudah menemukan slogan … Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coca-Cola pada Rabu, (29/9), meluncurkan platform brand global terbaru bernama "Real Magic (Rasakan Keajaiban)" dan desain logo ikonik dengan perspektif terbaru. 1976 - Coke adds life. Latar Belakang Penggunaan bahasa dalam periklanan menimbulkan fenomena kebahasaan yang menarik. Think Big" (Big Cola) 15. 1938 - The best friend thirst ever had. Find your favorite products or explore new ones here! Pada 1921 Coca-Cola menggunakan slogan 'Haus Tidak Mengenal Musim' (Thirst Knows No Season) berhasil membuat Coca-Cola yang awalnya dikenal sebagai minuman musim panas, menjadi minuman yang dapat dinikmati sepanjang tahun. Produksi tahunan pada saat itu hanya sekitar 10. Informasi lebih lanjut. 1922 - Thirst knows no season. TF1 by ALLTYPE CocaCola.

wcaud gnr rbl wvpxr vnyzpl iymfqe hjjxds lcbnj ispz ngj njnhmu nvp zhrhgv czfkh exwti jlpfs ewhqi ukx

Tersedia lebih dari ratusan pilihan rasa di seluruh dunia. 1963 - Things go better with Coke. Coca-Cola - "Open Happiness" Coca-Cola is fortunate to have had some of the greatest creative talent in advertising work on their marketing and "Open Happiness" (2009) campaigns featured some of the best slogans the company has ever produced. CCAI memiliki dan mengoperasikan 9 pabrik pembotolan yang terletak di Cibitung, Cikedokan, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Bali, Medan, Padang, dan Lampung. Load more. ISBN 978-1-61374-725-4. 1945 - Passport to refreshment. Visi PT. Kami bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan dan mendaur ulang kemasan untuk setiap produk yang kami jual pada tahun 2030. 1939 - Coca-Cola goes along.Menelusuri bagaimana ikon, indeks dan simbol membentuk communication act. Mungkin hanya itu saja pembahasan dari admin mengenai beberapa contoh iklan minuman segar dan sehat. ‍. Diet Coke (also branded as Coca-Cola Light, Coca-Cola Diet or Coca-Cola Light Taste) is a sugar-free and low-calorie soft drink produced and distributed by the Coca-Cola Company. Dalam slogan ini Sosro berusaha mengubah kebiasaan konsumen, dari mereka yang setelah makan terbiasa minum air putih atau The 2002 Summer TV Campaign In 2002 Pepsi Foods took the lead in the c1ear lime category with 7UP leading its category, followed by Coca-Cola's Sprite brand. 2005 - Make It Real. 1979 - Have a Coke and a smile (see also Hey Kid, Catch!) Coca cola adalah produk minuman bersoda asal Amerika Serikat. The slogan "Hadir Lagi," which means "reappearance" or "being present again" in Indonesian, was chosen to promote the Coca-Cola Recycle Me Rewards program. Hadir dalam ukuran berikut: PET: 390ml, 1.000 Pengusaha di Seluruh Dunia Termasuk Indonesia; FRESTEA dan Coca‑Cola System di Indonesia Bergandengan Tangan pada Bulan Suci Ramadan Tahun ini, Mendukung Pemulung dan Keluarga di Bawah Pusat Pengumpulan dari Yayasan Mahija Parahita Make yours unforgettable. Coca-Cola revives and sustains. Platform "Real Magic (Rasakan Keajaiban)" menyoroti komitmen untuk mempersatukan dan memberikan semangat baru bagi orang-orang di setiap hari … 72. 2. 2001 - Life tastes good. 1956 - Coca-Cola … makes good things taste better. Tercatat Coca-Cola telah mengganti slogannya sebanyak 15 kali di Indonesia. John S. 1952 - What you want is a Coke. “Coca-Cola adalah brand yang dilandaskan pada dikotomi: rendah hati namun ikonik, orisinil namun penuh rahasia, nyata namun ajaib,” kata Manolo Arroyo, … Souleymane Hamed, Marketing Director Coca-Cola Indonesia, mengungkapkan, "Kampanye Taste the Feeling merupakan kampanye global yang … In 1985, the introduction of a new taste of Coca‑Cola (commonly called new Coke® ) and the reintroduction of Coca‑Cola classic and the original formula led to multiple slogans. Sebuah iklan dapat dianalisis melalui beberapa langkah sebagai berikut: 1. Aquí, hay que destacar uno de los elementos más importantes son los eslóganes. At the Jacobs' Pharmacy in Atlanta, a calendar shows May 8, 1886. Awal mulanya dibuat sbg obat paten … BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1. Teks iklannya adalah kopi good day, karena hidup perlu banyak rasa. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Visi PT. Setelah tahun lalu sukses mengkampanyekan "Share a Coke", tahun 2016 ini Coca-Cola kembali menggelar kampanye global barunya, "Taste the Feeling". 2003 – Real. Di Indonesia, Sprite diproduksi oleh PT Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia, divisi dari Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia. Reflecting the decade's blend of tradition and modernity, the slogan resonated deeply with a A marca global de refrigerantes Coca-Cola lançou seu novo slogan "Real Magic" (Mágica Real) como parte da estratégia de atualização de sua marca. Halaman selanjutnya Di Indonesia minuman asal Adapun nama "Coca-Cola" diambil dari daun koka dan kacang kola yang menjadi formula awal minuman ini, sedangkan logonya diciptakan oleh Frank M. Karena Rasa Teh Terbaik Ada Di Pucuknya! (Teh Pucuk Harum) 18. Amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the 1980s, characterized by Cold War tensions, economic challenges, and seismic cultural shifts, the "Enjoy Coca-Cola" slogan emerged as a beacon of simplicity and unity. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini berupa deskripsi mengenai tipe, jenis, wujud penanda referensial variasi bahasa iklan minuman bersoda dengan sampel Coca-Cola, Sprite dan (also used in the UK) – Hãy biến nó thành sự thật. Ada tiga varian Sprite yang beredar di Indonesia, yaitu Sprite, Sprite Zero Sugar dan Sprite Waterlymon. (also used in the UK) - Hương vị tuyệt vời của cuộc sống. As of 2023, Pepsi is the second most valuable soft drink brand worldwide behind Coca-Cola; the … 21. Also, What is Coke's slogan? In January 2003, the slogan "Coca-Cola … Real. Coca-Cola unveiled a new global ad strategy on December 8. 1905: The great national temperance beverage. Slogan hiện tại của Coca Cola là ‘Taste the Feeling’, nhưng đây không phải là tagline được sử dụng liên tục trong suốt những năm qua. Năm 1941: Coca-Cola is Coke. Pemberton back in 1886. Del denne artikel. år, viser en liste. 06 September 2023. Iklan Ichi Coca-Cola has announced the launch of 'Open To Better', a campaign to inspire people to embrace change and pledge to do things differently in 2021. … Năm 1939: Whoever you are, whatever you do, think of a good ice cold Coca-Cola – Bất kể bạn là ai hay đang làm gì, hãy nghĩ về một ly Coca-Cola mát lạnh. Tagged since March 2012.". 1908: Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola: Masyarakat Indonesia terkenal doyang ngumpul dan ngobrol. Advertising slogans are a part of everyday life for consumers around the world, and Coca-Cola has produced some great ones throughout our nearly 130-year history. Desde Coca-Cola explican que se basan en cinco principios básicos para crear estos claims: 1. The drink was introduced in 2005 as Coca-Cola Zero as a new no-calorie cola. Inilah sebabnya masyarakat menjadi semakin terpikat dengan produk minuman ringan tersebut. januar 2016. 2003 - Real. ISBN 978-1-61374-725-4. 1905 - Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains. 1939 - Coca-Cola has the taste thirst goes for. 1907 - "Good to the Last Drop". Sebelum kalimat, apakah Anda tahu keingintahuan ini? Jika semua Coca-Cola yang diproduksi sejauh ini menggantikan aliran air dari Niagara Falls, aliran ini akan mengalir … Kamis, 30 September 2021 | 21:45 WIB. 2. Peter Engholm. There are various other slogans which refer to refreshment, thirst, taste, and deliciousness which all stay close to the 1932 - Ice-cold sunshine. 1927-1950: Minoemlah Coca-Cola 1950-2000: Minumlah Coca-Cola 1983-1993: Coca-Cola Tentu! 1993-2000: Always Coca-Cola 2000-2004: Semangat Coca-Cola 2002-2004: Segarkan Harimu In 2021, Coca-Cola launched its current slogan, "Real Magic," to emphasize the magic of humanity, uniqueness, and connection. 1985 featured "America's Real Choice," while by 1986, two slogans were used to differentiate the brands, with "Red, White & You" for Coca‑Cola classic and "Catch the Wave The first bottle of Coca-Cola in Indonesia was imported by a Dutch engineer in 1927 and it was first produced locally in 1932 by the De Water Nederlands Indische Mineral Fabriek bottler, in Batavia (now Jakarta). Slogan. Kembalikan Ionmu" (Pocari Sweat) 16.1927 - Pure as Sunlight.stnoFyM ta stnof aloc-acoc erolpxE ssenippaH nepO' :)0102( nagolS 6881 :nakumetiD aloC-acoC nanayaleP nakam gnuraw ,halokes ,kokor soik :nemges kutnU )tsehC ecI( TRAC HSUP . Ada tiga varian Sprite yang beredar di Indonesia, yaitu Sprite, Sprite Zero Sugar dan Sprite Waterlymon. … The Coca-Cola Company has used various advertising slogans since its inception in 1886. 12 May 2023 12:54 pm.aynisim naataynrep nad ,itni ialin ,isiv halada rasap id adareb edaked nad naseskusek kilab id amatu nasalA . Total lebih dari 18 juta tayangan iklan di media, dan lalu lintas di laman Facebook Coca-Cola Slogan Coca-Cola di Indonesia . Glaceau Smartwater (stylized as smartwater) is a brand of bottled water owned by Energy Brands, a subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company. Nike - Just do it. Frases con las que no sólo se nos hace llegar el refresco sino que además transmiten los valores de la marca. 1910 - Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola [3] 1917 - Three million a day. This date was chosen to coincide with the India-Zimbabwe One-Day cricket series. Di sini, Coca-Cola menggambarkan bahwa mereka tidak hanya menjual minuman ringan, tetapi juga pengalaman kegembiraan dan kebersamaan.The campaign (and slogan, in turn) reflected genuine, authentic moments in life and the Follow vitaminwater. Di sini, Coca-Cola menggambarkan bahwa mereka tidak hanya menjual minuman ringan, tetapi juga pengalaman kegembiraan dan kebersamaan. Kampanye Baru Coca-Cola. During a time of economic downturn, Coca-Cola wanted America to "Open Happiness" with its Coca-Cola Zero Sugar is a diet cola produced by the Coca-Cola Company. 1975 - Look up, America. Kampanye itu sekaligus menandai lahirnya strategi marketing baru Coca-Cola. "Coke Is It" "Always Coca-Cola" "Open Happiness" "Taste the Feeling" Complete List of Coke Slogans Coke Slogans: Wrapping it Up Coca Cola History It may sound a little odd but this famous beverage was actually created by a pharmacist, namely Dr. 14. And of course, Indonesia. Joss Fit Varian lain Extra Joss, yaitu Joss Fit resmi dipasarkan secara nasional pada bulan Maret 2008. 1954 - For people on the go. It was renamed Coke II in 1990, and discontinued in July 2002. Introduction List of Coca-Cola slogans United States (also Canada, UK, and Ireland) PT Coca Cola saat ini melansir dari situs website resminya, telah memiliki lebih dari 40 minuman di lebih dari 10 merek berbeda. Menggunakan Strategi Single Brand. Selain itu, Coca Cola juga bekerja sama dengan restoran seperti Mc'Donalds, Domino Pizza dan sebagainya melalui program HoReCa (hotel, restaurant dan cafe). Sejarah Fanta Klassik yang dijual di Jerman pada 2015, untuk merayakan 75 tahun kehadirannya The Coca-Cola Company has used various advertising slogans since its inception in 1886. As of 2023, Pepsi is the second most valuable soft drink brand worldwide behind Coca-Cola; the two share a long-standing rivalry in what has been called the 21. As part of their new strategy, Coca-Cola's upcoming slogan and brand image aims to rely on the product itself as means of advertising. Today we have over 5,200 employees at CCEP Indonesia, spread across 8 manufacturing facilities and sales offices. Another formula change occurred in the United Kingdom in July 2021, in the United States in August 2021, and in Canada in September 2021.. The 1906 slogan, "The Great National Temperance Beverage," reflects a time when the society in the United States was veering away from alcoholic beverages, and Coca-Cola provided a nice The Coca-Cola Company. Sejarah mencatat pada tahun 2000 yang Liputan6. Slogan Coca-Cola dari masa ke masa versi Indonesia Di Indonesia minuman Coca-Cola sudah sangat familiar di telinga masyarakat tanah air.It contains artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Patent office. Menciptakan dunia tanpa sampah. The name for soy-based beverage product comes from the Spanish acronym, "Alimentos Indonesia. Peter Ardhianto. 1938 – Thirst asks nothing more. Rupanya, lebih dari 130 tahun yang lalu, minuman itu dijual dengan harga murah di toko obat dan minuman beralkohol. 1917 - Three Million a Day. Sebelum kalimat, apakah Anda tahu keingintahuan ini? Jika semua Coca-Cola yang diproduksi sejauh ini menggantikan aliran air dari Niagara Falls, aliran ini akan mengalir hampir 37 jam, lebih dari satu setengah hari. A glass of Japanese Calpis A glass of Fanta melon soda A glass of German fassbrause A glass of USA ginger ale A glass of Swedish Julmust Kickapoo Joy Juice originated in the United States. Great taste runs in the family. Strategi Iklan Produk Minuman Coca Cola di Indonesia dalam Mempertahankan dan Menguatkan Citra. John Pemberton brought his perfected syrup to Jacobs' Pharmacy in downtown Atlanta where the first glass of Coca‑Cola was poured. Mereka tidak hanya tetap dipandu, mereka membuat Coca-Cola Indonesia debuted its latest beverage innovation 'FRESTEA NUSANTARA' under the Frestea brand, the company's authentic Indonesian tea drink. ISSN 2087-1767. Coca-Cola Company menyatakan, logo tersebut punya rahasia tersendiri dan cukup mengejutkan. 30 Tháng Sáu, 2020. (also used in the UK) - Hãy biến nó thành sự thật." The rPET bottles produced at Amandina have undergone a series of safety tests and have been declared compliant with Indonesia's Chok Chok adalah salah satu iklan Coca Cola yang mengolaborasikan teknologi game dan iklan. 1948 - Where there's Coke there's an ice cold. Extra Joss Blend Bar Pada bulan Agustus Coca-cola ingin langsung dekat kepada konsumernya maka melalui iklan-iklan mereka mencoba mencari tahu apa yang diinginkan konsumen. Yamaha – Selalu di Depan. Alasan utama di balik kesuksesan dan dekade berada di pasar adalah visi, nilai inti, dan pernyataan misinya. Coca Cola Slogans: A History of the World in Taglines. Merayakan momen kebersamaan diwujudkan dalam hal kerja sama pihak Coca Cola dengan berbagai pihak Produk paling populer dari PT Coca Cola adalah Coca Cola, sejenis minuman berkarbonasi yang rasanya manis. These are not just catchy phrases designed to sell a product. Strategi ini mereka sebut dengan "Share A Coke" dengan memberikan nama-nama Here's a list of all the slogans used by the brand till date, 1886 - Drink Coca-Cola and enjoy it. Apple – Think Different. From "Drink Coca-Cola" to "Open Happiness," the evolution of Coca-Cola's slogans is a mirror to society's shifting moods and aspirations. Geils Band, not only revived Coca-Cola's appeal in the zeitgeist of the late 1980s but also mirrored the broader societal shift Kegiatan ini merupakan rangkaian acara PositiFIESTA yang diselenggarakan Coca Cola Indonesia sekaligus peluncuran slogan baru saat itu yaitu "Hidup ala Coca Cola". The great national temperance beverage. 4. … Strategi Yang Digunakan Oleh Coca-Cola Dalam Campaign “Taste The Feeling”. 1917 - "Three Million a Day".It was introduced in Spain and Portugal in 1991, and was the official drink of Slogans Year; Drink Coca-Cola: 1886: Delicious and Refreshing: 1886: Drink Coca-Cola and enjoy it. 1893 The Coca‑Cola Spencerian script trademark is registered with the U. Wikiwand is the world's leading Wikipedia reader for web and mobile. It relies on references to primary sources or sources affiliated with the subject, rather than references from independent authors and third-party publications. There is a new slogan: "Welcome to the Coke side of life. Selain Good Day ada lagi kopi kapal api, nescafe, ABC dan lain-lain. A soft drink is a beverage that typically contains water (often Major Coca-Cola Slogans. These slogans capture the essence of Coca-Cola's values and aim to resonate with consumers. "Coca-Cola adalah brand yang dilandaskan pada dikotomi: rendah hati namun ikonik, orisinil namun penuh rahasia, nyata namun ajaib," kata Manolo Arroyo, Chief Marketing Officer The Coca-Cola Company, mengutip siaran pers yang diterima Suara. 91-106.Ia dikenal untuk 94% dari seluruh populasi dunia. Ada pesan tersembunyi di balik warna lambang itu. Unveiled on July 8, 1982, and introduced in the United States one month later, it was the first new brand since Coca-Cola's creation in 1886 to use the Coca-Cola Coca-Cola is hoping a new ad slogan will help it overcome declining sales and increased health concerns about its signature product. januar Bottling Indonesia PT.